Protective Relaying and Communication Schemes for a New 345kV Line and Bus Tie Circuit breaker
The scope of this project was to install a new 345kV position onto a ring bus to accommodate for a new 345kV two-terminal line between two Utility Companies.
The new 345kV line included the installation of a new 345kV System 1 relay panel and a new 345kV System 2 relay panel. System 1 was a Phase Comparison relay package. The System 1 communication interface utilized Power Line Carrier on a single phase for Phase Comparison scheme, and a Direct Transfer Trip scheme. System 2 was a Directional Comparison Unblocking relay package.
The new 345kV bus-tie circuit breaker included the installation of a new 345kV System 1 and System 2 relay panel. This relay panel consisted of a reclosing scheme and Breaker Failure scheme. A new 345kV control panel and a communication processor cabinet were also installed.