Substation & Distribution Automation Programming and Networking
The Substation Automation & Distribution Projects consisted of 8 distribution substations on a clients’ Electrical System. At each substation, SCADA RTU, PCs were installed and programmed to provide control, monitor and metering functions of distribution lines, various breakers and distribution switches.

PCs at the substations were programmed with custom graphical screens to display live substation one-lines and feeder switch configurations, as well as metering values and station alarms.
The individual substations were networked together over a fiber optic junglemux loop to share information from substation to substation as well as to the control center. All the stations were tied to a master server which provided a consolidated point of substation monitoring, allowing the client to run metering trend and fault event reports remotely. Also, the substation network server was programmed to provide for an automatic transfer switching sequence between two substations on the client’s distribution system.